cucumber slice, home skillet
Outdated Slang Terms That People Want To Bring Back The Most
Based on Urban Dictionary's voting history, Wordtips calculated and ranked the most upvoted and downvoted classic slang terms, from the Boomer era of "jive turkeys" to the Gen X-er term calling pizza "za."
So, if you have a particular phrase you would love to come back, or one you think should remain dead and buried, hang loose and check out the data, they're the cat's pajamas, dude.
Key findings:
The insult people love the most, and desperately want back in our shared vernacular, is "scoundrel". It has a 96 percent upvote rate. Very reminiscent of how pirates talk.
Among outdated dating slang, "wingman" was something people wanted to return to the most, sporting a 95 percent upvote rate.
It seems as though elder Millennials thoroughly dominate the upvotes on Urban Dictionary, since words like "buzzkill" and "whatever" are in the top five. All we need is the return of "sellout" and "narc," and it'll be 1994 all over again.
While upvote percentage rates hovered in the 80s and 90s, downvote rates peaked at just under 50 percent. Slang that people didn't want to be reminded of included words whose frivolous connotations have since been used less in professional and humorous settings, such as thug and hood.
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Via Wordtips.
[Image credit: Cup of Couple]